I want to try something new.
I’m working on my next script and it’s going well, albeit SLOW. Which is actually my doing, I’m purposely making myself slow down on this one to see what happens (I’m hoping good things). However, writing at the pace of an overweight sloth with a bum foot is excruciating. Honestly, it’s making me nuts.
So, I figured it would be fun to write other little things in the meantime to get the roided out Tasmanian devil who lives in my soul out of my system. Some ‘one and dones.’ While the pieces I’ve been writing on people who inspire me (I have another one coming soon that I’m very excited about) are satisfying, I still make myself take my time on those and they aren’t fitting the bill. I don’t want to take my time! I just want to go go go!
So, my new idea: every week, set a timer for 30 minutes and write a scene based on a headline that grabbed my interest and see what happens.
Now that’s my kind of fun.
So, here we are!
Setting my timer now…
And… go!
This was so fun to read!
Haha. Very funny. I saw that news story about a woman who kept feeding raccoons and ended up with hundreds on her property??
I’m back to screenwriting too. I tried the novel route. Not so novel.