After having written about all things notebook-y and such here:
It got me reminiscing about all my old stuff and next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor of my office surrounded by old letters, yearbooks, programs, you name it.
One thing I know for certain: sifting through photos and emails on your phone can never rival the feeling of being physically buried by your memories. (the one con on the list of many pros for analog mementos is the dust. MY GOD, THE DUST).
Anyway, some of my notebooks made me laugh and I thought I would share some highlights with y’all.
First up and best BY FAR:
Elementary School
This little canary yellow gem from 1988.
I was 11.
In case you can’t tell, it’s title is, “My ^secret notebook” because apparently I forgot to specify it was secret initially.
There is also a drawing of a robot that was bad enough that I felt the need to explain, “this is a robot!”
Inside are treasures such as:
My very first movie reviews!
Me feeling the need to create my OWN LOGO to put at the top of certain pages (peep the MASH game in there where I’m so cool I shorten Jaguar to ‘Jag’):