
Things I Learned This Year About Myself

Or, My First Attempt To Record Video And Not Want To Crawl Out Of My Skin

Oh my God.

I made a video.

Of course, I’m mortified. It’s my first attempt at doing this kind of thing so be gentle.

This list was initially much longer but I figure we could all use less of 2024 in our lives, so I cut it down.

So, without further ado… check out the video above or, for non-video folk, here’s the non-video version (otherwise known as text):

Things I Learned This Year About Myself

  1. I really do have ADHD

    1. Evidence: I realized I leave all the cabinet doors and drawers open after I use them.

    2. Evidence: I forgot that my husband eats left-handed.

    3. Evidence: I lost my phone 1.3 gagillion times

  2. Inertia has a profound effect on me as far as leaving the house goes.

    1. for more information, see ‘Covid lockdown.’

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