
Movies I Won't Watch Out of Spite: The Podcast Edition

No One Asked for A Podcast But Let's See How This Goes Anyway

My friend Jim Hall and I have been trying to figure out a podcast for almost a year at this point.

We’ve tried a bunch of different formats, played around with different ideas. We interviewed filmmakers and screenwriters and the conversations were definitely fun and interesting but… it just felt like… two random people interviewing somebody. I don’t know. It didn’t feel… right.

(Don’t worry, I still plan on cannibalizing those interviews for posts because we talked to some pretty smart and talented people who had fascinating takes on their creative processes as well as a lot of insight on their professional experiences in the business.)

And then I posted this list of movies I won’t see for petty reasons -

- and boy did people have a LOT to say about it. Jim especially! He was all up in my text messages within an hour of that thing hitting the web telling me that I just HAD TO WATCH MAGNOLIA.

So, I figured, why not talk about it and see if that’s fun?

And it was!

Hopefully it’s fun to watch/listen to/read too. We’re going to try and do more of these and see where it goes. In the meantime, I’m going to go ahead and publish this as a podcast, because… why not?

So, it’ll be in all the usual places you find such things as well like Apple and Spotify.

FOR PEOPLE WHO DON’T LIKE WATCHING VIDEO / PLAYING AUDIO (which is me, actually, most days) - the transcript is here as well as captions for your general perusal (the buttons are up there somewhere by the video).

And if that’s still too much, then here’s a snippet of Jim explaining the totally valid reason why he will never see the movie Titanic:

“The main reason I didn't watch it was only because... it was a movie that literally everybody in my school saw and for some reason when all my friends were going i think i was sick or there was some reason i couldn't go so i didn't go with them and then my best friend, Dana, was like, “yeah, I mean, it wasn't that good.” And then a week later he said, “it'd be kind of funny if you just never saw this movie that everybody has seen.”

And I was like, yeah, that would be kind of funny. And I just rolled with it. Then eventually, I just decided, ah, fuck it, I'm never going to see it.” - Jim Hall